Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I'd sing you Stormy Weather but it's been sung so Let's have some fun

There will never come a day that will ever regret
The hours days years and the minutes
The joy the pain the sunshine and rain in it
The drives on the coast to nowhere
Nothing to say just sit and stare
There's nothing like the comfort of a silence that's comfortable
Not talking small just skip the bull
Then I find myself in servility
Didn't think that was my ability
I go a yard and a mile to make you smile
But then I'm happy see
I got so many ways to make your gaze elliptical
Got a ways to go, future's so Criptical and I'm glad
Just another many things we've had - 8:16 am 311

Don't fear mere words cuz if it takes a word to ruin ya
The shit you've already heard you're finished through and soon ya see
That stifleing sentences is so much more suspicious
Much worse could come of that so much more delicious
To the dastardly bastardly plans of little mice and men
Ugly rears its head and speaks from now and then
People love to disagree so avoid the endless bout make no attempt
To try and suss the stupid out
But of the racist institutions simple minds belong
Not happy being human, no wish to get along
Little people need exclusions sucker groups to throng
It makes them feel special it makes them feel strong...
We won't come after you we'd only end up provin
In the end revenge send ends to the defendant
I know that statement's true
I wear it like a pendant
I know you'll hear this song so I think it's funny - Silver 311


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